Scooby's Stratford - Bloomingdale

121 Stratford Dr, Bloomingdale, IL 60108, United States
Plats: 38

Scooby's Stratford

121 Stratford Dr, Bloomingdale, IL 60108, United States


  • Boisson Chaude

  • Burger

    Cheeseburger Grillé

    Cheeseburger Grillé

    Grilled or fried patty with cheese on a bun.

  • Sandwichs

    Sandwich Au Bœuf Et Au Fromage

    Sandwich Au Bœuf Et Au Fromage

    Sandwich Double À La Saucisse Italienne

    Sandwich Double À La Saucisse Italienne

    Sandiwch made with minced seasoned meat cooked inside of a casing.

    7" Scooby's Hot Dog

    7" Scooby's Hot Dog

    Sausage served on a bun.

    7" Double Hot Dog

    7" Double Hot Dog

    Sausage served on a bun.

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