Jerrys Cafe - Hesperia

#1 - Cafés - Hesperia, Café
15555 Main St, Hesperia, CA 92345, United States
Plats: 108

Jerrys Cafe

Jerrys Cafe
15555 Main St, Hesperia, CA 92345, United States


  • Pancakes, Pain Perdu Et Gaufres

  • Sandwichs

    1. Eggs

    1. Eggs

    2 eggs.

    4. Salade De Thon

    4. Salade De Thon

    Served on a bed of lettuce with cheese and all the trimmings.

  • Salades

    5. Crispy Chicken Salad

    5. Crispy Chicken Salad

    Chicken, cucumber, tomato, eggs, and cheese.

  • Plats Principaux

    6. Frites

    6. Frites

  • Salad Sandwiches

    1. Sandwich À La Salade De Thon

    1. Sandwich À La Salade De Thon

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