Calamars Frits à Attenkirchen
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Ville: Attenkirchen, Hauptstr. 5A, 85395 Attenkirchen, Germany
"Wenn Sie wirklich gutes italienisches Essen lieben, gibt es nur eine Adresse: hier! Das Restaurant befindet sich in einem hervorragend restaurierten a..."

Prix moyen de Calamars Frits:
12 €

- Qty. 1 broyer (454g)

Lait de beurre
- Qty. 1 tasse (245g)

Huile de colza
- Qty. 6 tasses (1,308g)

Farine Multi-Usage
- Qty. 1 tasse (125g)

Farine de Riz
- Art: Health Foods Qty. 1 tasse (158g)

Sel Casher
- Qty. 1.5 cuillères à café (7g)

Poudre d'Ail
- Qty. 1 cuillère à café (3g)

Poivre Blanc
- Qty. 0.5 cuillère à café (1g)

- Qty. 1 portion (58g)
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.
Quick to do and a refreshing way to start your meal. Goes great with a glass of wine. I just love how the flavor explodes in your mouth. You must try this!
This was my first attempt at making calamari at home and this recipe gave me the confidence to give it a try.
Refreshing light dish that is surely made best by the toasted coconutIf you don't like coconut then I would skip this dish entirely, unless you like strong fishy taste.