Fromage Supplémentaire à Seaside Park
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Ville: Seaside Park, 812 NE Central Ave, Seaside Park, 08752-1504, United States Of America
"Random stop while in the area and I just had to get a slice. Me and my wife walked in late with about 45min before closing. The cook made me a fresh p..."
Prix moyen de Fromage Supplémentaire:
4 €
- Qty. 1.5 livres sterling (680g)
Fromage Cheddar
- Qty. 1.5 tasses (170g)
Fromage Parmesan
- Qty. 2 cuillères à soupe (19g)
Beurre Non Salé
- Qty. 3 cuillères à soupe (43g)
Farine Multi-Usage
- Qty. 2 cuillères à soupe (16g)
Moutarde en poudre
- Qty. 0.5 cuillère à café (1g)
2 Lait
- Qty. 1 tasse (244g)
Sel Casher
- Qty. 0.75 cuillère à café (4g)
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.