Raviolis Au Homard à Fort Mitchell
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Ville: Fort Mitchell, 2899 Dixie Highway, Fort Mitchell, 41017, United States Of America
Prix moyen de Raviolis Au Homard:
21 €
Farine Multi-Usage
- Qty. 1.5 cuillères à café (4g)
Lait Entier
- Qty. 0.5 tasse (122g)
Petits Pois Surgelés
- Qty. 0.25 tasse (34g)
Estragon frais
- Qty. 1 cuillère à café (1g)
Zeste de citron
- Qty. 0.25 cuillère à café (1g)
Jus de Citron
- Qty. 0.75 cuillère à café (4g)
Sel Casher
- Qty. 0.12 cuillère à café (1g)
Poivre Moulu
- Qty. 0.12 cuillère à café (0g)
- Qty. 1.5 cuillères à soupe (5g)
- Qty. 1 emballer (368g)
Viande de homard
- Qty. 3 onces (85g)
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.
Any recipe that calls for diced tomatoes, I automatically substitute "fire roasted " and then added some cherry tomatoes from the garden (10 halved) and simmered them half way through, while the
I followed every single solitary detail of this recipeWhat ruined this recipe? The insane amount of lemon.
I used the sauce recipe for another homemade ravioli and it was a hit with the family.