Steak De Philadelphie à Lindon
Afficher restaurants sur la carte
Ville: Lindon, North State Street, Lindon, 84042, United States Of America
"This is what Italian Place used to be. I just had the best sandwich I've had in twenty years. Compared to other branches they give more meat and chees..."
Prix moyen de Steak De Philadelphie:
9 €
Côte de boeuf
- Qty. 1 broyer (454g)
Oignon Jaune
- Qty. 0.5 unité (55g)
Fromage Provolone
- Qty. 8 tranches (112g)
Fromage Parmigiano Reggiano
- Qty. 2 cuillères à soupe (19g)
Sel de table
- Qty. 1 cuillère à café (6g)
Poivre noir
- Qty. 0.12 cuillère à café (0g)
Petits Pains Sub
- Qty. 2 unités (114g)
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.