Porc Effiloché à St. Augustine, St. Johns, FL, Soperton
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Ville: St. Augustine, St. Johns, FL, Soperton, West Railroad Avenue, Soperton, 30457, United States Of America, St. Augustine, St. Johns, FL, Soperton
"Shrimp dinner on Friday and Saturday night is amazing!"
Prix moyen de Porc Effiloché:
10 €
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.
I thought the rootbeer would add a nice flavour to the pork, never noticed any flavour from it whatsoever, and I bought a high end rootbeer, maybe the cheaper stuff would have been better.
Very moist and yummy!!! I made it for a friend and she also loved it. I will be making this one again.
I used off brand Root Beer and still tasted really good and the boys loved it. Makes great left overs!