Steak De Faux-Filet à West Plains
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Ville: West Plains, 1321 Preacher Roe Blvd, 65775, West Plains, US, United States
"The smoked wings were awesome. I came in a little late, some of the entree was not the best but I understand. I sat at the bar and Tatyana Was a great..."
Prix moyen de Steak De Faux-Filet:
22 €
Os dans le ribeye
- Qty. 2 livres sterling (907g)
Sel Casher
- Qty. 6g
Poivre noir
- Qty. 3g
Huile d'Olive Extra Vierge
- Qty. 1 cuillerée à soupe (14g)
Beurre Non Salé
- Qty. 2 cuillères à soupe (28g)
- Qty. 3 clous de girofle (9g)
Thyme frais
- Qty. 2.5 brins (8g)
Romarin Frais
- Qty. 2.5 brins (13g)
Sel de mer
- Qty. 6g
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.