Curry De Poisson à Halifax
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Ville: Halifax, 1542 Birmingham StNS B3J 2J7, Halifax, Canada
Livraison, À emporter, Accès en fauteuil roulant, Accessible aux personnes en fauteuil roulant
Prix moyen de Curry De Poisson:
10 €
- Qty. 1.5 livres sterling (680g)
Sel Casher
- Qty. 12g
Piment de Cayenne
- Qty. 1 cuillère à café (2g)
Curcuma En Poudre
- Qty. 1 cuillère à café (3g)
Huile de pépins de raisin
- Qty. 3 cuillères à soupe (41g)
Graines de Moutarde Brune
- Qty. 1 cuillère à café (2g)
Feuilles de curry
- Qty. 3.5 unités (2g)
- Qty. 0.5 cuillère à café (2g)
Morçeau De Gingembre
- Qty. 1 unité (60g)
- Qty. 5 clous de girofle (15g)
Oignon Rouge
- Qty. 0g
Tomates Écrasées
- Qty. 14 onces (397g)
Lait de coco non sucré
- Qty. 13.5 onces (383g)
Bouillon de Poulet
- Qty. 1 tasse (240g)
Feuilles de coriandre
- Qty. 0g
Riz Basmati Cuit
- Qty. 0g
Riz Sauvage
- Qty. 0g
- Qty. 0g
Citron vert
- Qty. 0g
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.
Followed the recipe but cut the salt in half and prepared the night before so after covering the fillets with the paste I covered the casserole with foil and put it in the fridge.
This was so good! It is a good way to make fish that is unique and deliciousThe balance of spices and the richness of the oil are the perfect complement to the blandness of fish.
A little too spicy. I'd cut back on some of the spices next time, but otherwise very tasty.