Gulab Jamun à Nariar
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Prix moyen de Gulab Jamun:
4 €

- Qty. 1 broyer (454g)

Lait en Poudre
- Qty. 35.25 onces (999g)

Farine Multi-Usage
- Qty. 14 onces (397g)

Poudre à lever
- Qty. 4 cuillères à café (18g)

- Qty. 3 tasses (732g)

Huile de colza
- Qty. 40g

- Qty. 1 tasse (200g)

- Qty. 2 cuillères à café (4g)

Bâtons de Cannelle
- Qty. 3 unités (8g)

Pétales de Rose
- Qty. 4 tasses (132g)
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.
Will be making again! Not a fan of roses so we went without, was STILL awesomeWhen I applied heat to the pill I didn't bring to medium, I kept on medium low and they didn't cook TOO fast.
Had problem making the dough.
I didn't make these balls (I bought the commercial variety) but I thought I would pass on a technique to get the syrup into the balls without putting them in a frying pan with the syrup.