Boulettes De Viande à Village of East Hampton
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Ville: Village of East Hampton, 237 Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937, Village of East Hampton, United States
Ville: Village of East Hampton, 237 Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937, Village of East Hampton, United States
Prix moyen de Boulettes De Viande:
9 €
- Qty. 24 onces (680g)
Sauce à barbecue
- Art: Condiments Qty. 10 onces (284g)
Boulettes de viande
- Qty. 30 unités (2,550g)
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.
The meatballs won raves from my guestsI had some doubts because they did not brown in the oven without an extra 10 minutes and I was afraid they would be dry.
Everyone loved them. They added much flavor to the sauce too. I made it as written and they turned out perfect.
I didn't think it had enough flavor. I would use more fresh herbs, definitely would not use Italian seasoning spice.