Risotto à Alet-les-Bains
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Ville: Alet-les-Bains, 57 Rue Nicolas Pavillon, 11580 Alet-les-Bains, Aude, France
Romantique, Groupes, Livraison, Sièges extérieurs
Prix moyen de Risotto:
15 €
Courge Butternut
- Qty. 1 tasse (140g)
Oignon Jaune
- Qty. 1 unité (125g)
Bouillon de Poulet
- Qty. 1 quart (960g)
- Qty. 3 clous de girofle (9g)
Huile d'olive
- Qty. 2 cuillères à soupe (27g)
Ces avis ne concernent que les ingrédients mentionnés.
Great recipe! Some changes: I used 24oz of crimini. Low sodium chicken broth. Red wine instead of white because that's what we had open. Added garlic and rosemary.
I've made this recipe many times and really like it but I needed more flavor. I added garlic, a little chopped fresh rosemary and fresh thyme and it came out much better
FanFREAKINGtastic. I served mine as a meatless main dish instead of a side, and we both inhaled it. This is the best risotto recipe I've ever made.